Meet Iris Inaya

Shamanic Voice Alchemist - Lightlanguage Channel, 

Artist and Mentor – Kundalini Activator -

Founder of Resoul Rebels

Meet Iris Inaya

Shamanic Voice Alchemist -

Lightlanguage Channel, 

Artist and Mentor –

Kundalini Activator -

Founder of Resoul Rebels

+30 years

Of Spiritual Development & Training


Shamanic Journey Downloads (Podcast)

+15 years

Guiding Groups & Transformation

Iris is a multidimensional energyworker, who brings her medicine through activating frequencies, vocals and visuals. 

Lightlanguage is her main healing-tool and can be seen as a ‘forgotten’ sacred frequency language. 

It moves beyond the limitations of our mind, speaking directly to our soul and cells. 

Activating soul-remembrance and -alignment.

Iris ‘speaks’ this language in many ways. Through singing, speaking, sounding, signing, writing and drawing. 

It can feel earthly or galactic, connecting you with both.

Remember, release and retrieve

Iris’ shamanic ceremonial work helps to remember who you are, to release what longer serves and to retrieve your intuitive gifts.

She is a vessel, for whatever wants to come through, to assist and empower you on your journey as a spiritual cosmic being, having a human experience.

Taking you into altered states of conciousness in a natural way, with her hypnotizing drum and voice. Enabling you to rewrite your story into the one your soul intended.

Whether you want to ‘lie down and receive’ Resoul Sessions or discover your own channel and voice alchemy in the 1:1 Alkemystiks - Lightlanguage Lab. Maybe you just want to celebrate your intuitive expression and join the Rebel Jam*, or connect with the ‘forgotten’ sacred frequency languages through her Activating Artwork. You can also choose to listen in on the conversations and soundjourneys in her Resoul Rebels Radio podcast.

You'll find a lot to explore.

*Info for Rebel Jam is coming soon

Whatever you choose to explore first, it’s all about gently but boldly reclaiming our birthright to live life in accordance with our highest purpose, joy and pleasure. Moving back into the orgastic free flow of energy we entered this world with, as babies. Liberating our essence.

Feel welcome with all that you are, as it is time to rise in all that you are.

All frequencies are needed.

Whatever you choose to explore first, it’s all about gently but boldly reclaiming our birthright to live life in accordance with our highest purpose, joy and pleasure. Moving back into the orgastic free flow of energy we entered this world with, as babies. Liberating our essence.

Feel welcome with all that you are, as it is time to rise in all that you are.

All frequencies are needed.

Iris is a vocal midwife, helping you birth your true expression and true voice(s). Letting your soul sing it’s beautiful heart.

With her voice she can be like an energetic plumber, clearing our pipes from stuck energies. She sings soulsongs or Icaro's, like she is several male and female shamans. Allowing her to take people deep into ‘plantmedicine space’, without having to take the actual medicine. Some say she is a cosmic comedian, which in the tribes was called an heyoka.

The one using humor to shift perspective on the patterns that limit us.

A tourguide taking us into our subconciousness, into the waking dreamtime, where we can re-member, release and rewrite ourselves.

In the end she is 'just' an intuitive, a conduit, a vessel, for whatever wants to come through, to assist and empower you.

My story: How I am becoming what my soul intended

Boy oh boy, I could never have even remotely guessed what I would be doing today…

I thought I was very open-minded and connected with the spiritual. Being brought up with the idea of having lived several human lives. By being exposed to lots of new age from a young age. By having soaked up years of Tibetan Buddhism. By silent retreats, forever testing new personal development tools and what not.  And yes in these retreats, especially the 10 day Vipassana, I experienced an inner-peace and presence far beyond anything I could have imagined before that point. But my world ended a bit like, uhm on … ‘Earth’.  

My entire life started shifting into a way bigger perspective, when I was invited for an ayahuasca retreat in Italy and felt the spirit of this mystical 'teacher-plant' calling me in loud and clear. As if an electric shock buzzed through my body.

The actual ceremony was 6 months later. Halfway during these six months I ‘coincidentally’ watched a YouTube video with Lightlanguage in spring 2018 . A phenomena I never heared of, yet I remembered how to let my soul speak it’s lightlanguage instantly. It was bizarre to feel my soul responding so suddenly and so deeply. From that point I felt excited to discover more. And as I did, I started to remember more and more.

A next big pivotal point was meeting grandlady ayahuasca. The second night of the retreat, she blew my mind into a zillion pieces. Letting me experience myself as a being of light with an incomprehensable vast and ancient conciousness. An energy and potential so big I could barely host it. Tears kept running down my face, in pure awe of the reunion with the bigger truth of who and what I am. I realised I’m a lightbeing having a human experience. With a natural state of awareness, that is infinitely more expanded than the one accessible in our day to day human experience. And I'm not saying it to be interesting.... I'm saying it because I feel this is a hidden truth for many of us, if not all or most. And it inspires the sh*t out of me, if we could retrieve even just an inch of that potential. 

From there on, it was and is a crazy journey of discoveries, diving deeper into the Shamanic Arts with Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society, working with my voice, retrieving my alchemy, exploring lightlanguage and how to make it beneficial. Step by step receiving guidance. Revealing more and more my original creativity and soul-expression.

From there on, it was and is a crazy journey of discoveries, diving deeper into the Shamanic Arts with Deer Tribe Metis Medicine Society, working with my voice, retrieving my alchemy, exploring lightlanguage and how to make it beneficial. Step by step receiving guidance. Revealing more and more my original creativity and soul-expression.

The spirit and presence of the teacherplants can be felt in all my work. Yet, I weave basically anything that ever gave me a fresh and empowering perspective on how we can live life full colour. From improv-theater, to photography, to years of working as an organizational anthropologist facilitating transformation in the complexity of the corporate world, to martial arts.

Not so long ago, I became a Kundalini Flow Facilitator and added Kundalini Activations, because I was so impressed by journeying in this field myself. I feel it catalyses and enhances the field already created with lightlanguage. It opens up our 'channel'.

I’m in awe how -as souls- we orchestrated our lives, and how all the details fall in to place when we simply have the guts to follow our excitement, to weave our paths, guided by spirit and the soul and heartspace.

Not an easy route, but it sure is the most rewarding, joyful and adventurous. 

Hence it takes a rebel to resoul.

As I rewrite my own story into the highest timeline, I'd love to help you rewrite yours.
Much love

Ps: If you like to hear my full story please check out EP-207 on Resoul Rebels Radio, on your favourite platform.

Jalbert Kuijper

It really helps me to touch the deeper layers within myself

Iris her atuned presence, voice, vibration and energy come together so beautifully, it really helps me to touch the deeper layers within myself. I was amazed to feel her embodied depth, creating a safe space and a huge field of conciousness in which I can truly relax.


Stay updated to join in on Resoul Rebels' adventures


Stay updated to join in on Resoul Rebels' adventures