Resoul Rebels SourceCodes

Receive your source-frequency self in a tangible transformative portrait.

Resoul Rebels SourceCodes

Receive your source-frequency self in a tangible transformative portrait.

+30 years

Of Spiritual Development & Training


Shamanic Journey Downloads (Podcast)

+15 years

Guiding Transformation

Receive undivided attention in this magical 3 month program.

Aligning you with your Source-frequency. Let your divine nature become like a best friend.

As you journey into self-love, purpose and joy. 

What if you see yourself truly?

It's often challenging to truly see ourselves - our value, beauty, and unique importance to the world.

Through ceremony, we’ll move into a place of higher knowingness. A place where you can authentically perceive yourself. From this profound energy we’ll create your portrait - not just a picture, but a new best friend.. that is you.

This portrait will reflect your inner light, serving as a constant reminder of your true essence. It will re-member you in the most magical and loving ways, helping you reconnect with your unique frequency and the difference you make in the world.

This is for you if you long to...

This is for you if you long to...

  • Be on a shamanic treasure-hunt.  ‘Unlock’ the medicine within your fields. Retrieve your symbols, powerobjects, -animals, codes and keys
  • Recognize yourself as a light-being having a human experience.
  • Gain powerful tools for all new levels of self love and compassion for all you are. Integrating lower and higher self aspects 
  • Receive abundance in your life, with more ease. Experience more purpose, pleasure and joy
  • Feel more present, relaxed, alive and light
  • Expand your overall multidimensional awareness and intuitive skills
  • Feel more whole and at home, as a cosmic human being on earth
  • Receive yourself in a source-frequency lightcoded portrait.
  • Keep deepening your journey and to have a constant reminder of this version of you 'forever after'.  
SourceCodes Calling you? Let's connect!

Align with your Origin

The alchemy of merging the SourceCodes with your present self into a portrait is a powerful process.

Empowering you to awaken and integrate the essence of your original consciousness.

Through this transformational journey, you'll discover, remember, and embody

the most relevant aspects of your true self, enabling you to fully embrace YOU.


The personally channeled lightcodes work on multiple levels, igniting a profound transformation within.

As you embark on this journey, you'll experience a deepening connection with your Source-frequency.

Not just during the sessions, also 'forever after' as you connect with your portrait.

This process allows you to delve into what your soul intended to embody and be.

Guiding you towards a life of purpose and fulfillment.

Inti Wasi

A journey into the essence of my being

Before this picture was taken I was guided to connect with the most high frequencies inside myself.. in this energy I opened my eyes.

The codes were made in Ibiza and during the proces I felt lots of presence of Spirits who guided the proces.

When I connect with my portrait I feel comforted, strengthened and carried by my true and ancient self. A pure gift to receive myself in this way.

The way Iris Inaya works is amazing and profound! She feels like an open channel who receives the ancient codes with ease and tunes in on your original self. My deepest gratitude and gratefulness to my dear cosmic sister for this master piece!

Resoul the Rebel way.

Lovingly reclaim what was yours all along.

Your SourceCodes Experience:

Every session will be held in a shamanic ceremonial set up. Each time you'll be guided into trance. You'll journey inward to clear, heal, activate and explore dormant memories, catalysing your growth.

  • Aligning Journeys 

Preparing you for profound shifts.

We'll clear, activate, and strengthen your soul- connectedness and alignment here on earth.

  • Personalized Light-Code Journey

In this ceremony, I'll draw your light codes while you journey inward.

Empowering you to ‘crystalize’ and embody your true essence.

  • Source-Connected Portrait Journey 

You'll be guided into a space where I can capture your Source-connected vibration.

With a wallpaper for your phone, a portrait video, and a beautiful print (30 x 45 cm), to empower constant re-membering.

  • Integrative Sacred Medicine Journey 

Experience a highly expanded awareness.

Receive healing, downloads, and activations, incl. from your SourceCode-portrait.

Explore and deepen integration between your human and multidimensional selves.

Expanding your capacity for self-love. This way becoming your own medicine man or woman.

  • Embodiment Session 

Further integrate downloads, insights, and activations from the journeys.

Together we'll look back, work on embodiment and reflect on how to keep unfolding and enjoying your source connectedness.

My journey with the SourceCodes

In 2020 I felt guided to overlay lightcodes on the portrait of a friend. I sensed it was restoring and activating her source-frequency. The whole process keeps evolving, as I receive new initiations. Like I added the Sacred Plantmedicine Ceremony after an unexpected, mind-blowing shift in consciousness looking at my own SourceCode-portrait in plant medicine.

The most confronting part of the process was creating a self-portrait that embodies a version of me, full of trust, peace, and compassion. She helps me to see and be my own elder. Seeing her healing image has moved me to tears, making me feel grateful, humble, and cared for. What a gift to share this medicine with you. 

My journey with the SourceCodes

In 2020 I felt guided to overlay lightcodes on the portrait of a friend. I sensed it was restoring and activating her source-frequency. The whole process keeps evolving, as I receive new initiations. Like I added the Sacred Plantmedicine Ceremony after an unexpected, mind-blowing shift in consciousness looking at my own SourceCode-portrait in plant medicine.

The most confronting part of the process was creating a self-portrait that embodies a version of me, full of trust, peace, and compassion. She helps me to see and be my own elder. Seeing her healing image has moved me to tears, making me feel grateful, humble, and cared for. What a gift to share this medicine with you. 

The SourceCodes in short

  • 5 Private Shamanic Ceremonial Sessions

1 Aligning Journey

1 LightCode Journey

1 SourceConnected Portrait Journey 

1 Full day in Sacred Psylocibine Plantmedicine

1 Embodiment Session

  • Your fully personalized SourceCode-Portrait

A hi-res SourceCode-Portrait

Including an exclusive print on dibond with acrylic-glass (30 x 45 cm)

The original handwritten codes


A 3 minute portrait video with a lightlanguage transmission to reconnect

Package deal - Investment: 2997